ちょっと可笑しい猫たちの日々 🐈
Neko Biyori(猫日和) - A Cat's Day : 2025-01
QUIRKY QUETTA CAT COUPLE’S ROMANTIC MOONLIT DATE : 2025-01-24 Keira Knightley-like beautiful cat, Mike, in Quetta, Pakistan, was thrilled about her date with Leonardo, a handsome tomcat today. The date included a luxurious cat food gift, elegant grooming under the moonlight, and a sweet night watching the stars. パキスタンのクエッタで、キーラ・ナイトレイ似の美猫ミケは、今日もイケメン猫のレオナルドとのデートに胸をときめかせていた。高級キャットフードのプレゼントに、月明かりの下での優雅な毛づくろい、そして最後は星空を眺めながらの甘~い夜。 Feral Cat Investigates Mysterious Sea Turtle Soup Offerings at Local Shrine in Minami-Osawa : 2025-01-23 In Heisei-era Minami-Osawa, Mike, a feral cat living in the rich natural hilly area, witnessed a strange sight at a local shrine. Every morning, someone offered what appeared to be sea turtle soup. Who is doing this, and why? Mike embarked on a quest to solve the mystery. ...